2024 School on Univalent Mathematics

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August 12, 2024

I recently attended the 2024 School on Univalent Mathematics. For the last couple of years I’ve had some interest from a distance in univalence and homotopy type theory but not taken the plunge, so I was excited that this iteration of the school was a short trip to Minneapolis away. I had a wonderful time, and felt that the lectures and accompanying exercises using the Coq library UniMath were structured in an accessible way. While “accessible” is certainly a subjective judgement tempered by my previous background, I felt there was special attention given to making the school approachable. In particular, while having some previous experience with Coq definitely helped, this was not assumed at all and several participants were using a proof assistant for the first time. While there are pros and cons to this approach, I personally enjoyed the mixture of attendees that this encouraged.

Given how much I enjoyed the summer school, I thought writing a short blog post covering the material that I found most interesting would be helpful for collecting my thoughts. Inherently this is a beginner’s perspective, so please take everything with a grain of salt! If there are any errors that are too glaring to ignore, please let me know.


A key idea of univalent foundations is that would like to replace the usual notion of equality \(x = y\) with the notion of there being a path \(x \rightsquigarrow y\), so it is helpful to have some relevant background from algebraic topology. One essential idea is that given some path in a space, we want to consider the family of paths that are continuous deformations from each other.

It is not too onerous to state this formally, taking definitions from Hatcher. Given a topological space \(X\) and endpoints \(x_0, x_1 \in X\), a path \(x_0 \rightsquigarrow x_1\) is a continuous map \(f : [0, 1] \to X\) such that \(f(0) = x_0\) and \(f(1) = x_1\). Intuitively, we can think of the unit interval as a parameterization of time in traversing the path.

A homotopy class of paths is the equivalence class of paths \(f_t : [0, 1] \to X\), with \(t \in [0, 1]\) such that:

  • for any paths \(f_t\) and \(f_{t'}\), there are equal endpoints \(f_t(0) = f_{t'}(0) = x_0\) and \(f_t(1) = f_{t'}(1) = x_1\)
  • there is a continuous map \(F : [0, 1]^2 \to X\), such that \(F(s, t) = f_t(s)\)

Here \(s\) remains our parameter for traversing each path, and the new parameter \(t\) represents sliding along the deformations between each path. The typical diagram is something like:

We can consider a special restriction of paths with the same starting and ending points, so that \(f(0) = f(1) = x_0\). These are called loops, with some given basepoint \(x_0 \in X\). The corresponding homotopy class, denoted by \(\pi_1(X, x_0)\), actually forms a group called the fundamental groupWhen our space is path connected the choice of basepoint is irrelevant up to isomorphism, so we can simply write \(\pi_1(X)\).

. Here the group action is the composition of paths, and inverses correspond to traversing the path in the opposite direction.

We can view the fundamental group as a way to study topological spaces in terms of groups. If we consider pointed topological spaces, simply a space \(X\) with some identified basepoint \(x_0\), then in category theoretic terms the fundamental group is a functor \(\pi_1 \colon \mathbf{Top}^{* \downarrow} \to \mathbf{Grp}\) from the category of pointed topological spaces to the category of groups. This idea of forming an algebraic viewpoint of a topological space is a powerful idea that lies at the essence of algebraic topology.

The typical first example of actually computing a fundamental group is for the circle \(S^1\), for which \(\pi_1(S^1)\) is isomorphic to the additive group of integers \((\mathbb{Z}, +)\). Intuitively we can see this by viewing each traversal or inverse traversal of the circle as the successor or predecessor function on the integers.

Another useful definition is that of a covering space. Intuitively, given some space \(X\), a covering space \(\tilde X\) is a space that has multiple copies of the space via some continuous map \(p : \tilde X \to X\). The more formal definition is that for any \(x \in X\), there is an open neighbourhood \(U_x\) such that \(p^{-1}(U_x)\) is a disjoint union of open sets that homeomorphically maps into \(X\).

In the case when the map \(p\) is simply connected, we are guaranteed to have a universal covering spaceUniversal in the category theory sense.

, a covering which is unique up to isomorphism. In the case of the circle \(S^1\), we have the real line \(\mathbb{R}\) as the universal covering space, often viewed as a helix with projections onto the planeThis diagram is from Calculating the Fundamental Group of the Circle in Homotopy Type Theory


Univalent Foundations

So, what is the relevance of all this to type theory? Remember that we would like to replace the usual notion of equality \(x = y\) with the notion of there being a path \(x \rightsquigarrow y\) considered up to homotopy equivalence.

In some senses this does behave like classical equality. Paths are an equivalence relation, and we can rewrite with paths in the sense that there is a function:

\[ \operatorname{transport} : \prod (X \, Y : \operatorname{Type}) (P : X \to Y) (x \, x' : X), \, (x \rightsquigarrow x') \to P(x) \to P(x') \]

Borrowing from algebraic topology nomenclature, we refer to this as operating over the fibers of our space. Diagrammatically we have something like:

The difference is that we potentially can have much more structure on this identity type than we do with usual equality. We can have paths not just between points, but between paths, corresponding to the idea of homotopy above. The difference between equivalence in usual type theories and univalent foundations lies in what axioms we adopt regarding how much structure is allowed in these higher order identity types.

One approach, for instance in Lean 4, is to add as an axiomAccording to this Zulip thread, this is actually built into Lean’s type checking itself.

that all proofs of identity are equal, that is:

\[ \prod (X : \operatorname{Type}) (x \, x' : X) (p \, q : x \rightsquigarrow x'), \, p \rightsquigarrow q \]

which is known as the uniqueness of identity proofs (UIP). In univalent foundations, this notion is more refined and requires a bit of setup to describe. First we have contractible types, defined as satisfying

\[ \operatorname{isContr}(X : \operatorname{Type}) := \sum_{x : X} \, \prod_{x' : X} x \rightsquigarrow x' \]

which intuitively identifies types that are singletons, like the unit type. Stepping up one level, we define the following notion of equivalence as the existence of contractible fibers

\[ \operatorname{isequiv}(f : X \to Y) := \prod_{y : Y} \operatorname{isContr} \left (\sum_{x : X} f(x) \rightsquigarrow y \right) \]

and write

\[ X \simeq Y := \sum_{f : X \to Y} \operatorname{isequiv}(f) \]

The univalence axiom is the statement that

\[ \prod_{X \, Y : \operatorname{Type} } (X \rightsquigarrow Y ) \simeq (X \simeq Y) \]

which intuitively allows us to transform an isomorphism between types into an equality (path) on these types. Taking this as an axiom, a choice inconsistent with UIP, is a core idea of univalent foundations.

The practical appeal is not too difficult to see. It is not uncommon to have multiple implementations of a type due to some low-level practicalities, often resulting in a painful duplication of proofs that are essentially the same. One potential application of univalence is that given isomorphic types that some of this could be automated via proof transferIn fact, there is potential for proof transfer even without isomorphism and the notion of univalent parametricity. See Trocq for a recent implementation that builds on some of these ideas.


Homotopy Levels

The immediate question that comes to mind is how much additional structure is added by not collapsing all identity proofs? For any given type \(X\), we have an infinite family of identity types

\[ \rightsquigarrow_X, \, \rightsquigarrow_{\rightsquigarrow_X}, \rightsquigarrow_{\rightsquigarrow_{\rightsquigarrow_X}}, \dots \]

to consider. We essentially are looking for a notion of how “twisty” a given space can be, and capture this idea formally with the idea of homotopy level (h-level) that counts how far down this chain of identity types we must traverse until we reach a contractible (singleton) type. Formally we have the definition:

\[\begin{align} \operatorname{isofhlevel} & : \mathbb{N} \to \operatorname{Type} \to \operatorname{Type} \\ \operatorname{isofhlevel} (0, X) & := \operatorname{isContr}(X) \\ \operatorname{isofhlevel} (n + 1, X) & := \prod_{x \, x' : X} \, \operatorname{isofhlevel} (n, x \rightsquigarrow_X x') \end{align}\]

and at the bottom of this hierarchy we provide some suggestive names:

\[\begin{align} \operatorname{isProp}(X : \operatorname{Type}) & := \operatorname{isofhlevel} (1, X) \\ & := \prod_{x \, x' : X} \, \operatorname{isContr(x \rightsquigarrow_X x')} \\ \\ \operatorname{Prop}_X & := \sum_{X : \operatorname{Type}} \operatorname{isProp}(X) \end{align}\]


\[\begin{align} \operatorname{isSet }(X : \operatorname{Type}) & := \operatorname{isofhlevel} (2, X) \\ & := \prod_{x \, x' : X} \, \operatorname{isProp (x \rightsquigarrow_X x')} \\ \operatorname{Set}_X & := \sum_{X : \operatorname{Type}} \operatorname{isSet}(X) \end{align}\]

For clarity, I will refer to these as h-propositions and h-sets respectively, though they are often somewhat confusingly mentioned without the prefix. This notion of h-set by definition is exactly corresponding to identifying types that satisfy the uniqueness of identity proofs.

So where exactly does this show up? There are a few theorems that I think give some intuition for where h-levels are relevant in types that are familiar. The first is that any type with decidable equality, such as the natural numbers or booleans, is an h-set. Note that the converse is not necessarily true, with the most instructive example being Prop, which is an h-set but certainly not decidable.

Note that despite the names “Prop” and “Set”, these are not universes in the sense the terminology is used in proof assistants! This is all the more confusing because there is a relationship, both intuitively as an analog with the Curry-Howard isomorphism and through the sometimes additionally added axiom of propositional resizing of the equivalence

\[ \operatorname{Prop}_{X_i} \simeq \operatorname{Prop}_{X_{i+1}} \]

which introduces a notion of impredicativity.

Another instructive example is found by looking at the definition of a category in the UniMath libraryUU is a synonym for Type used by UniMath.


(* leaving out some details here... *)
Definition has_homsets (C : precategory_ob_mor) : UU :=  a b : C, isaset (a --> b).
Definition category :=  C:precategory, has_homsets C.

We’ll gloss over the exact definition of a precategory. It is exactly what you would expect, just the standard rules for identity and composition. The interesting piece here is the requirement that the morphisms form h-sets. After a bit of thought and some explanations from Benedikt Ahrens and Niels van der Weide during the summer school, this restriction makes sense to me as a way of ensuring that our definition actually corresponds to a category. My intuition is roughly that without this restriction we would have something that looks more like a higher category. Without the uniqueness of identity proofs that we have at the h-set level, our proof obligations for the category laws could become in a sense incompatible with morphisms of higher h-levels.

In the opposite direction of identifying types which are not h-sets, we have a few intuitive examples such as Set and Type. In the following section we will see that \(S^1\) is a perhaps more concrete example of a type with an h-level higher than h-sets.

Synthetic Homotopy Theory

So far we’ve developed a good deal of theory, which at least for me has intrinsic mathematical value, but what are the applications? The most immediate answer is that we can do homotopy theory with univalent foundations inside a proof assistant! In fact, computing the fundamental group of the circle has become somewhat of a standard first exercise in various proof assistants, as seen in this Arend tutorial, the Agda HoTT Game, or this exercise from the School on Univalent Mathematics.

I’ll focus on presenting the last link, the exercise that I completed during the summer school. Deciding what level of detail to present here is a bit tricky. In the words of Pólya, “Mathematics, you see, is not a spectator sport.”, so it is not really helpful to go through the details that are inscrutable unless you are actually working through the proofs yourself. So I’ll just show a few highlights of definitions that give the flavor of the proof, and hope that the motivated reader will be interested enough to attempt the full exercise themselves.

For anyone who has ever worked with real numbers, continuous maps, or topological spaces in a proof assistant, you might have the inclination to expect some gritty details in computing something like the fundamental group. The trick here is that we will be approaching this from the synthetic point of view, which in this context means that we will rely on the fact that we are working within a type theory equipped with a native notion of paths as its definition of equality, and exploit this in our definition of a circleThere is a bit of a philosophical question here of how exactly this corresponds to the “platonic” notion of homotopy theory from standard mathematics. However, I’d argue that this is inherent to working in a proof assistant! See this Stack Exchange answer by Mike Shulman for some relevant discussion.

. Thus we can forego even defining real numbers or topological spaces and essentially do homotopy theory from an axiomatic point of view, similarly to the classical development of geometry.

Philosophical considerations aside, the definition of \(S^1\) that we would like to work with is something likeIn all Coq code “=” means “\(\rightsquigarrow\)

Inductive S1
  | base
  | loop : base = base

Our issue is that this is not a legal definition in Coq, which does not have higher inductive types that would allow the loop constructor. The approach taken in the summer school was to simply state as an axiom the loop piece, along with the recursion and induction principles. The most important piece to understand here is the induction principle

\[ \operatorname{ind}_{S^1} : \prod_{P : S^1 \to \operatorname{Type}} \left ( \sum_{y : P(\operatorname{base})} \operatorname{transport}(\operatorname{loop}, y) \to \prod_{x : S^1} P(x) \right ) \]

which intuitively states that if we can transport a function from the base of the circle to its loops, then the function is satisfied for all of \(S^1\). Recursion is then just a special case which allows us to transform an equality on some type into a function from the circle into that type

\[ \operatorname{rec}_{S^1} : \prod (X : \operatorname{Type}) (x : X), \, (x \rightsquigarrow x) \to S^1 \to X \\ \]

Before diving in, let’s look at what exactly what we are going to prove in this synthetic setting as our calculation of the fundamental group. The final theorem will beThis theorem is named this way because this is really showing a calculation of the loop space \(\Omega(S^1)\), which in the case of the circle is the same as the fundamental group.

Theorem Omega1S1 : (base = base)  Z.

In order to prove this, we’ll use the following theorem that transforms isomorphisms into equivalences:

\[ \prod_{f : X \to Y} \prod_{g : Y \to X} f \cong g \to X \simeq Y \]

where \(f \cong g\) means that we have both

\[ \begin{align} \prod_{x : X} (g \circ \, f) x &\rightsquigarrow x \\ \prod_{y : Y} (f \circ \, g) y &\rightsquigarrow y \\ \end{align} \]

One direction is not so difficult to decide upon. Consider the integers as the coproduct \(\mathbb{Z} = \mathbb{N} \coprod \mathbb{N}\), with the left representing \(\mathbb{Z}^- = \{-1, -2, \dots \}\) and the right the inclusion of the natural numbers into the integers. Then the map \(\phi : \mathbb{Z} \to (\operatorname{base} \rightsquigarrow \operatorname{base})\) is defined by

\[ \begin{align} \phi(+(n + 1)) &= \operatorname{loop} \circ \, \phi(+n) \\ \phi(0) &= \operatorname{idpath}(\operatorname{base}) \\ \phi(-(n + 1)) &= \overline{\operatorname{loop}} \circ \, \phi(-n) \end{align} \]

where idpath is the reflexive identity path and the overline notation indicates the inverse pathThe plus signs are written here explicitly to emphasize that \(+\) and \(-\) and the constructors of the coproduct type.

. Again, we are just traversing the loop or its inverse for each integer.

The opposite direction is a bit more difficult. It turns out that things actually end up easier if we consider paths with one fixed endpoint and then get the special case of loops \(\operatorname{base} \rightsquigarrow \operatorname{base}\). To help with this, we will define the universal covering space of \(S^1\) as

Definition Cover : S1 -> UU :=
  S1_rec UU Z (weqtopaths succ_equiv).

where succ_equiv is the equivalence we get from \(\operatorname{pred} \cong \operatorname{succ} \to \mathbb{Z} \simeq \mathbb{Z}\) and the lemma weqtopaths uses univalence to transform this equivalence into a path equality.

So now we are looking for two functions with slightly more general types

\[ \begin{align} \operatorname{encode} &: \prod_{x : S^1} (\operatorname{base} \rightsquigarrow x) \to \operatorname{Cover} x \\ \operatorname{decode} &: \prod_{x : S^1} \operatorname{Cover} x \to (\operatorname{base} \rightsquigarrow x) \end{align} \]

which have an isomorphism \(\operatorname{encode} \cong \operatorname{decode}\) that implies

\[ \prod_{x : S^1} (\operatorname{base} \rightsquigarrow x) \simeq \operatorname{Cover} x \]

which when specialized to base gives

\[ \begin{align} (\operatorname{base} \rightsquigarrow \operatorname{base}) &\simeq \operatorname{Cover} \operatorname{base} \\ &\simeq \mathbb{Z} \end{align} \]

and completes the proof! Lifting our earlier definition \(\phi\) is not so difficult

\[ \operatorname{encode}(p : \operatorname{base} \rightsquigarrow x) := \operatorname{transport}(\operatorname{Cover}, p, 0) \]

and for decode, we just want to construct the inverse. This is not as nice to write down as a term, since reversing the direction of transport is more naturally done in proof mode using the induction principle for \(S^1\). While I could muddle through the details here, I think my anticlimactic suggestion is to work through the proof yourself if you’d like a complete understanding! Given the constrained nature of \(S^1\), so long as you end up with a term of type \(\operatorname{Cover} x \to (\operatorname{base} \rightsquigarrow x)\) I think it is nearly impossible to end up with something that doesn’t satisfy the required isomorphism \(\operatorname{encode} \cong \operatorname{decode}\).

As a final note, it is not too difficult to see that \(S^1\) cannot be an h-setIt can be proven to be one level higher at h-level 3, commonly referred to as a groupoid. This proof is much more difficult, it is the one exercise that I haven’t finished!

. First, we must have

\[ \neg (\operatorname{idpath} \operatorname{base} \rightsquigarrow \operatorname{loop}) \]

otherwise the isomorphism \(\operatorname{encode} \cong \operatorname{decode}\) would give the contradiction \(0 \rightsquigarrow 1\). With this established, we immediately cannot have that \(S^1\) is an h-set, as it would imply that all paths \(p : \operatorname{base} \rightsquigarrow \operatorname{base}\) are equal.


Of course, this is just a small taste! If you are interested in learning more, I particularly suggest Egbert Rijke’s Introduction to Homotopy Type Theory. This is a newer book that I have found to be very readable. It has three parts:

  • Martin-Löf’s Dependent Type Theory: traditional type theory with an interesting slant towards topics relevant to univalence
  • The Univalent Foundations for Mathematics: much of the material from the summer school and this post considered in more depth
  • Synthetic Homotopy Theory: begins at the same point of working with \(S^1\) but continues much further

While I am just beginning to learn a bit of this area, I think it is quite exciting. Thank you to all the organizers and sponsors of the 2024 School on Univalent Mathematics for providing this opportunity to get started!